We Planter

And we're here to help farmers
Embrace and love all sides
of business management

Our Values

First Place Innovation

Ability to think outside the box, explore the new possibilities and develop new ideas. Planter is an innovative company that manages to bring innovative products and services to the market, develop unique solutions and promote its technological development.

Full transparency

Ability to conduct themselves in an open and orderly manner, share relevant information and information with customers, employees and the general public. Planter enables each party to understand its processes and decisions and ensures reliability and confidence to its authors.

Accessible technology

Ability to make technology accessible and available to every person, without technological difficulties or while connecting generations. Planter takes care of solving the technological challenges and provides solutions that fit the needs of customers in a convenient and friendly way.

Collaborative teamwork

The ability to work as a team in an efficient and filtered way, sharing information, knowledge and ideas. Collaborative teamwork promotes good communication, the ability to share work and develop common solutions, and the creation of an environment of support and collaboration between team members.

Our Mission

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Our Team

מתן אטיה

Founder & CTO

נתנאל אטיה

Research & Marketing